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Results for Dales Three Peaks Task id - 696 - Click on the pilot name to see their flight.

  pilot score tp time/
next tp
1 JOHN WESTALL 584 goal 05:06:25 03-08-21
2 Ed Cleasby 583 goal 05:09:54 07-07-18
3 JOHN WESTALL 582 goal 05:16:52 29-09-20
4 Ed Cleasby 573 goal 06:04:30 17-09-22
5 Chris Kay 571 goal 06:19:05 17-09-22
6 Andy Smith 569 goal 06:34:23 07-07-18
7 Tim Rogers 564 goal 07:15:40 17-09-22
8 JOHN WESTALL 559 goal 08:05:38 03-08-20
9 Paul R 248 3 8130m 27-05-2023
10 JOHN WESTALL 247 3 8160m 22-06-18
11 JOHN WESTALL 177 2 2929m 14-05-18
12 Pete Logan 162 2 3963m 09-10-21
13 Chris Fountain 160 2 4105m 09-10-2021
14 John Hamlett 115 1 261m 07-07-18
15 Unknown 57 0 1234m 23-02-2019

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