Xcmap scoring – how it works

You do not need to take off from within the start cylinder.

Some things to note re Distance points –

·        Task Distance - is measured from the centre of the start cylinder through the centre of each turn point to the centre of the goal. It’s not optimised.

·        Distance From Goal = distance to goal or distance to next tp objective + the remaining legs (tp centre to tp centre).

Distance From Goal is the best point achieved during the flight, if you go off to fly xc and land further away you still score from the best point on your tracklog.

·        Distance Made Good = Task Distance – Distance From Goal.

Distance Points = Distance Made Good (km)  X 15.

eg - 50km = 750pts.


Time Points –

·        You only get time points if you make goal

·        Start Time begins when you exit the start cylinder – you can re-enter the start cylinder as many times as you wish and the start time will re-set each time, until you tag tp1 then it’s fixed. Distance From Goal does not re-set if you go back into the start cylinder.

·        If there is an End of Speed Section, time stops when you enter but you still have to tag goal to get time points and maximum distance points. You do not have to land there.

·        Elapsed time = Start Time to Goal or ESS.

·        Speed = Task Distance (as calculated above) / Elapsed Time.

·        Target Speed = 25km/hr

Time Points = Speed / Target Speed X 250.

eg  - 50 km task completed in 2 hours = 250pts.


Score = Distance Points + Time Points. And that’s it. Nothing more.


I hope this makes clear how the scoring works so everyone knows what they have to do to score well.

I’d be interested to hear any comments or suggestions  for improvement but obviously we cannot move the goal posts when the comp is underway. Please email chris@xcmap.net

Similarly, if you notice any anomalous results please let me know ASAP.



